Opening Hours and Tickets
Plan Your Visit
Our Opening Hours
10th March – 22nd March 2025 (Exhibition Changeover):
Main Building Open / Stables Closed:
Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun 11 AM – 5 PMGroße Kunstschau: Closed
Haus im Schluh:
Tue, Thu 1 PM – 5 PM, Sat, Sun 11 AM – 5 PMWorpsweder Kunsthalle:
Exhibition Closed, Shop Open: Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun 11 AM – 5 PM -
Barkenhoff & Große Kunstschau
Monday – Sunday: 10 AM – 6 PMHaus im Schluh
Tuesday – Friday: 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday and Sunday: 10 AM – 6 PMWorpsweder Kunsthalle
Tuesday – Sunday: 10 AM – 6 PM
The Worpswede Museum Tickets
Admission Prices and Discounts
Four Museums – One Ticket
You can purchase the Museum4-Ticket at all four museums and at the Worpswede Tourist Information. Of course, you also have the option to visit each museum individually with a single ticket.
The ticket is valid for one year from the date of purchase and is transferable.
Each museum in the museum alliance can be visited once with the ticket.
Museum hoch 4
20,00 Euro
12,50 Euro
* Reduced Admission:
Persons with a severe disability (50% or higher, with valid disability ID); members of the Association of German Art Historians.
Single Tickets
Die Große Kunstschau
8,00 Euro
5,00 Euro
7,00 Euro
4,00 Euro
Haus im Schluh
7,00 Euro
4,00 Euro
Worpsweder Kunsthalle
7,00 Euro
4,00 Euro
Annual Ticket for All Four Museums
Enjoy unlimited visits to our exhibitions for a full year. All residents of the Osterholz district receive the annual ticket at a reduced price!
365 Days of Art Enjoyment
49,00 Euro
29,00 Euro
Children and Youth
Up to the age of 18
Worpswede Residents,
who bring (at least) one paying guest.