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Artist-led tour by Margaret Kelley through her exhibition ›Tapestries from the Cycle A Leap of Faith‹. Museum admission (€9)

  • Große Kunstschau Lindenallee 5 27726 Worpswede Deutschland (Karte)

Artist-led tour by Margaret Kelley through her exhibition ›Tapestries from the Cycle A Leap of Faith‹

Since her first stay in Worpswede, the artist Margaret Kelley, who was born in Los Angeles, USA, has been deeply inspired by the light of the Worpswede landscape.

She first came to Worpswede in 1991 through a scholarship at the artist houses founded by Martin Kausche. After a few more stays, she returned to settle there, continuing and developing her artistic work at this place that became so special to her. Over the years, her work has gained depth and scale—both literally and materially, as well as in terms of conceptual understanding. Many of her motifs originate from the experience of a landscape impression, such as the pearling of the waves on the Isar. The emotions and excitations triggered by these experiences are integrated into her monumental

Magaret Kelley, The river and the shore, 1997

Magaret Kelley, The river and the shore, 1997

23. März

Demonstration of inlay cutting - 'Color Harmony in Wood. 100 years of Hans Georg Müller'. Free admission

3. April

Film lecture by Dr. Daniel Tilgner. Reflections: Life in the Moor and on the Coast in the 1930s/40s in the Documentary Works of Bremen's Helmut Oestmann. Admission: €8 (registration requested)